The Adventist Home   (7)
Hotbeds of Iniquity—The cities are filled with temptation. We should plan our work in such a way as to keep our young people as far as possible from this contamination. (AH 136.1) MC VC
The children and youth should be carefully guarded. They should be kept away from the hotbeds of iniquity that are to be found in our cities. (AH 136.2) MC VC
Turmoil and Confusion—It is not God’s will that His people shall settle in the cities, where there is constant turmoil and confusion. Their children should be spared this, for the whole system is demoralized by the hurry and rush and noise. (AH 136.3) MC VC
Labor Troubles—Through the working of trusts and the results of labor unions and strikes, the conditions of life in the city are constantly becoming more and more difficult. Serious troubles are before us, and for many families removal from the cities will become a necessity. (AH 136.4) MC VC
Impending Destruction—The time is near when large cities will be swept away, and all should be warned of these coming judgments. (AH 136.5) MC VC
Oh, that God’s people had a sense of the impending destruction of thousands of cities now almost given to idolatry! (AH 136.6) MC VC
For Worldly Interests and Love of Gain—It is often the case that parents are not careful to surround their children with right influences. In choosing a home, they think more of their worldly interests than of the moral and social atmosphere, and the children form associations that are unfavorable to the development of piety and the formation of right characters.... (AH 136.7) MC VC